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Program of the Conference

Please note: Program time below is Japan Standard Time. The conference will be held in English. 


  The Keynote Speech, Plenary Sessions and Special Sessions are open to non-members, and we will send you the URL of Zoom, so please register from this site. 

  The two-day conference will be held on November 28th (Saturday) and 29th (Sunday), 2020. On the first day, we will have a keynote speech followed by a plenary session. The academic presentations will take place on the second day starting at 10 am. 


Day 2. November 29 (Sun)

10:00 -12:00 Parallel Presentation I

                        •Session 1: Climate Change and its Impact on Human Security
         ⚬Brian Aycock (International Christian University): New Directions in International Law

                                Environmental IDPs
                             ⚬Danjibo Nathaniel Dominic (University of Ibadan): The Impact of Climate Change on the F

                                versus Herder Conflict in Nigeria
                                   ⚬Ayako Hatano (University of Tokyo): Emerging International Norms to Protect Climate Refugees?:

                                the Case of the Human Rights Committee’s Decision on Teitiota v New Zealand
                             ⚬Lisette Robles (JICA Ogata Research Institute): Reflecting on Climate-induced Migration
as a Human 

                                Security Issue: An Internally Displaced Person-centered Approach to Understanding Displacement
                            ▪Chair: Sho Akahoshi (Kwansei Gakuin University); Discussant: Yasunobu Sato (University of Tokyo)

                         •Session 2: Human Security and Dignity 
                        ⚬Kouta Futsuki (Kyoto University): Humanitarian Accountability for Human Rights Restriction as

                                Channel of Recipient People to be Political Agency
                        ⚬Parkpoom Kuanvinit (Hiroshima University): Cooperative Conflict Management and Positive Social

                                Contact as Approaches to Improve Relationship between Thai Migrant Workers and Israeli Employers
                        ⚬Karl Wilkinson(Nagoya University): Dignifying Delinquency: The Equivalence of Academic Success

                                and Deviance
                        ⚬Masitoh Nur Rohma, Dheva Kharismasih Widani, Azizah Dinda Laksuri, Alifya Kasih Widjayanti,

                               Akmal Maulana AR, Ahmad Priyansyah, & Fauzi Wahyu Zamzami(Universitas Islam Indonesia): An

                                Analysis on State Violence Against Papuans: Perspectives from Galtung’s Triangle of Violence
                                 ▪Chair: Le thao chi Vu (Keio University); Discussant: Taichi Uchio (Reitaku University)


                         •Session 3: Human Security and Theory 
                        ⚬Magdalena Ionescu (Reitaku University): Human Security in the Post-Corona World: An Alternative

                        ⚬Frederic Khonde Ntoto (Hiroshima University): Middle Powers and Human Security: Rethinking the

                        ⚬Ayako Kobayashi (Sophia University): Sadako Ogata’s Ideas into Action:From “Imagine Coexistence” to

                              Peacebuilding and Human Security
                        ⚬Slavica Ninic (Kobe University): Domestic Internalisation of International Norms Relating to Gender

                              Equality: The Case of the Armed Forces of Japan
Chair: Yusuke Dan (Toyo Gakuen University); 

          Discussant: Akiko Fukushima (The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research)

                         Session 4: Japanese Foreign Policy and Human Security 
                        ⚬Rangarirai Gavin Muchetu & Yumi Sakata (Doshisha University): Japan (ka) doko? Quantifying and

                              Qualifying Japanese ODA to Zimbabwe (1980-2020)
                        ⚬Stanislaus Acquah (Utsunomiya University): Bridging the North-South Development Gap in Ghana and

                               Japan’s Development Support: Should it be Human Development or Economic Growth Focused?
                        ⚬Craig Mark (Kyoritsu Women’s University): The Japanese-Australian Quasi-Alliance: An Indo-Pacific

                              Security Dilemma
                        ⚬Maria Thaemar Tana (University of the Philippines): Changes and Continuities in Japan’s

                              Peacebuilding in Mindanao, Southern Philippines
                              ▪Chair: Kyoko Cross (Kyoto Sangyo University); Discussant: Masataka Nakauchi (Sophia University)

                         •Session 5: Natural and Manmade Disasters 
                        ⚬Desale Abraha (Waseda University): Inclusive Humanitarian Approach to Support the Most Needy:

                              Challenges to the Outbreak of the COVID – 19 and Stateless Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh
Faith Allison (Nagoya University): Oil Compensation and Sociopolitical Instability in Nigeria’s Niger

                              Delta: An Examination of the 2015 Royal Dutch Shell Oil Compensation in Bodo
                        ⚬Makoto Sakai (Meiji University): Content Analysis of Reputational Damage about the Fukushima

                              Daiichi Accident and the Great East Japan Earthquake
Chair: Satoshi Sasaki (Soka University); Discussant: Yuichi Sekiya (University of Tokyo)


13:00 -14:30 Special Session (Japanese program)
                       •The Progress of human security Indicators study

                      Moderator: Shin'ya Kawamura  (Chubu University)


                       Yukio Takasu (Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Human Security, UN)

                         Tomoyuki Miura (Kesennuma city councilor)

                         Miyu Endo (Playworkers)

               Yoshie kaneko (Ishinomaki Revival Support Network)

                         Yoichi Mine (Doshisha University)

                        Special Session (日本語プログラム)                       

                         •The Progress of human security Indicators study (人間の安全指標研究の進展)

        宮城県と Zoom で繋ぎながら、地域課題を可視化する人間の安全保障指標研究の進展について議論をします。
        Moderator: 川村真也(中部大学)
       高須幸雄(UN 人間の安全保障担当特別顧問)
       遠藤みゆ(一般社団法人 プレーワーカーズ)

                        兼子佳恵(NPO法人 石巻復興支援ネットワーク

14:40 -16:10 Parallel Presentation II   


                         Session 6: Securitization of COVID-19 and its Impact on Human Security 
                        ⚬Rosalie Arcala Hall (University of the Philippines Visayas): Highly Securitized Case(Phillipines)
                        ⚬Radesa Guntur Budipramono (Ritsumeikan University): Mildly Securitized Case (Indonesia)
                        ⚬Kenki Adachi (Ritsumeikan University): Hardly Securitized Case (Japan)
                               ▪Chair: Kyoko Cross (Kyoto Sangyo University); Discussant: Kaoru Kurusu (Kobe University)

                         •Session 7: Contextualizing Human Security in Today's World 
                        ⚬Oscar A. Gómez, Atsushi Hanatani, Ryutaro Murotani, Ken Kubokura, Saeda Makimoto, Ako Muto &

                               Jacob Assa (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and

                               Development, JICA, and UNDP): Protecting Our Human World Order: A Human Security Compass for

                                a New Sustainability Decade
                        ⚬Ryutaro Murotani (JICA): Revisiting Human Security in Today’s Global Context
                        ⚬Ako Muto & Sachiko Ishikawa (JICA Ogata Sadako ResearchInstitute for Peace andDevelopment &

                               JICA): Human Security: Concept, Practices and Empowerment in East Asia
                               ▪Chair/ Discussant: Yukiko Nishikawa (Doshisha University)

                         •Session 8: Development and Empowerment 
                        ⚬Mari Iizuka and Jun-ichi Yamamoto (Doshisha University and NEC Solution Innovators Ltd.): Telework

                                Experiences under Covid-19 Crisis: The Impacts to Employees’ Perceptions towards Work-Life

                                Balance, Climate Change, Diversity, and Social Orientations
                        ⚬Ikuru Nogami (University of Tokyo): Revisiting Technical and Vocational Education and Training in

                                Forced Displacement from the Perspective of Human Security
                        ⚬Hikmah Tahir (Nagoya University / Mulawarman University): Local People Participation in Ecotourism

                                Development in Mangrove Conservation Area, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
                               ▪Chair: Sho Akahoshi (Kwansei Gakuin University); Discussant: Michio Umegaki (Keio University)

                         •Session 9: Young Scholar Panel 
                        ⚬Khor Hui Min (Soka University): Why U.S. Mediation Effort was Successful to Realize the Japan-U.S.-

                                ROK Trilateral Summit Meeting in 2014 despite the Absent of Bilateral Summit Meetingbetween Japan

                                and ROK More than One Year since President Park Geun Hye and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Entered

                                Office in 2012 and 2013 Respectively?
                        ⚬Hsin Yen Phoebe Mok (Soka University): Fostering Global Solidarity in Times of Covid-19: Through

                                Ecological Literacy and Climate Action Activities
Chair: Hazuki Sasaki (Kanazawa University); 

                                   Discussant: Haruyuki Shimada (Ritsumeikan University)

Chubu University


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