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Program of the Conference

Please note: Program time below is Japan Standard Time. The conference will be held in English. 


  The Keynote Speech, Plenary Sessions and Special Sessions are open to non-members, and we will send you the URL of Zoom, so please register from this site. 

  The two-day conference will be held on November 28th (Saturday) and 29th (Sunday), 2020. On the first day, we will have a keynote speech followed by a plenary session. The academic presentations will take place on the second day starting at 10 am. 

Day 1. November 28 (Sat)

10:00 -11:30 (Pre-event)

       GIS (Geographic Information System) Day in Chubu 2020 (Japanese program)

                      Beginner's course  (Webinar)                       

                                •Utilization of the ArcGIS Online Web Maps

                                Course Description (Free of charge)

                                   1) Creation of web maps, construction of web applications, and

                           the development of web applications using ArcGIS.

                          2) Creating a survey-type app that can be used in fieldwork

                          3) Experience GIS with a cloud-based GIS that anyone can easily create.

                        Note: Required items to be prepared

                          1) A computer with internet access
                          (Please use the latest version of Firefox, Chrome or Edge as your browser.)
                          (More than 2 monitors are recommended (one for operation and one for text.)


                          2) If you do not have an ArcGIS Online license, ESRI Japan will provide one.

                       For an application (Deadline: November 25th, 2020)

                        Please send an email to the following address with your name and affiliation


                       * change [at] to @

10:00 -11:30 (プレイベント)
      GIS (Geographic Information System) Day in Chubu 2020 (日本語プログラム)   

         ArcGIS Online Webマップの利活用(参加費無料)

         1)インターネットに接続された環境であれば、すぐに利用可能なArcGIS Onlineを利用し、



         モニター2 台以上を推奨します(操作用とテキスト用)

                               例えば、 操作画面はPC、 テキストはタブレットで表示など

                              2)ArcGIS Onlineのライセンス(お持ちでない場合は、ESRIジャパンにて用意します)

ESRIジャパン株式会社 土田雅代宛にお名前、ご所属を明記の上、下記のアドレスへ直接お申し込み下さい。
                              ​ masayo_tsuchida[at]

                            *  [at] を @に変えてください。(締切は2020年11月25日水曜日です)


13:00 -13:20 Welcome and Opening Remark
                       Osamu Ishihara
(The President of Chubu University) 

                       Yusuke Dan (JAHSS President)

13:20 -14:10 Keynote Speech(Video recorded)

                         Opening remarks:

                        Atsuo Iiyoshi (The Chairman and Chancellor of Chubu University) 


                        •Infectious Disease and Human Security
                        Hiroyuki Ishi
(Environmental Journalist)

14:15 -16:00 Plenary Session I
                       •Human Security, Climate Change and SDGs

                                Moderator: Reita Furusawa (Chubu University)



         Yukio Takasu (Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Human Security, UN)

                       Kazushige Endo (Director, UNCRD)

                             Takao Toda (Vice President for Human Security and Global Health, JICA)

                             Masaru Arakida (Research Director, ADRC)


16:10 -17:55 Plenary Session II (Video recorded)
                       •Human Security and Digital Earth


                          Opening remarks:
Hiromichi Fukui

                   (Director of International Digital Earth Applied Science Research Center, Chubu University)


                          Short Presentation 1
“CNISDE’s Research Activity and Contribution to SDGs (TBA)”
                        Guo Huadong

              (Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Aerospace Information Research Institute, China)
                          ※CNISDE: The Chinese National Committee of the International Society for Digital Earth


                          Short Presentation 2
“Transition of Digital Earth Platform from the Original Vision to the

                          concept of Digital Twins (TBA)”
                         Alessandro Annoni

                                (President of International Society of Digital Earth)


                          Short Presentation 3
                        “Digital Earth Research for Earth’s Sake: Compatibility with UN

                         SDGs (TBA)”
                        Tim Foresman

                                  (President (Founder) of the International Center for Remote Sensing Education, USA))

                          Panel Discussion 
                        “The Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Earth Research for

                          Planetary Emergency and Human Security after the Corona era”

                          Moderator: Hiromichi Fukui

                        Guo Huadong
                        Alessandro Annoni
                        Tim Foresman
                        Seishi Ninomiya

                         (Professor of Institute for Sustainable Agro-ecosystem Services, University of Tokyo)
                              Yasushi Yamaguchi

                                (Professor of Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University)
                       Asanobu Kitamoto (Professor of National Institute of Informatics)

                           Session Closing Remarks : Hiromichi Fukui

18:00 -18:30 •General Assembly

Chubu University


International Digital Earth Applied Science Research Center


© 2020 by 人間の安全保障学会 中部大学 大会実行委員会.  For Questions /  Contact us at

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